新关注 > 信息聚合 > 你是我的小苹果《摩擦吧,主公》掀三国手游热


You are my little apple "master" friction, lift the Three Kingdoms Mobile Games heat

2015-01-15 18:53:10来源: 不凡游戏网

风靡游戏圈的超人气塔防页游《塔防三国志》于近日推出手游版大作——《摩擦吧,主公》。同样丰富的武将养成、塔防战斗、互动竞技玩法,更加精彩的情缘系统与“小苹果”玩法,让玩家们对这款精品力作抱有极大期待。“这手游听着就给力,玩起来肯定带感。”有玩家表示。 众望所归:《塔防三国志》变身《摩擦吧...

fashionable circle game Superman gas defense Webpage Game tower "Three Kingdoms" in the recently launched Mobile Games version Masterpiece -- "friction", my Lord. The same rich generals develop, defense battle, interactive athletic games, love the system more wonderful and "little apple" play, let the game player who have great expectation to the excellent works. "This Mobile Games sounds awesome, play with a sense of positive." A game player said. Enjoy popular confidence: "Three Kingdoms" morph "tower friction...

标签: 手游 苹果