新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暗黑3与龙之谷结合体 韩媒前瞻《ELOA》20日公测..

暗黑3与龙之谷结合体 韩媒前瞻《ELOA》20日公测..

Diablo 3 and Dragon Valley combination of Korean media prospective "ELOA" 20 day beta..

2015-01-15 12:16:15来源: 新浪

视频加载中,请稍候... NpicSoft新款游戏《ELOA》在1月20日将正式开服。《ELOA》是一部展现华丽动作的幻想风格的MMORPG。 《ELOA》采用俯视视角,重点突出的是华丽动作效果、实现武器与技能切换的“态势转换系统”,武器切换之后技能和角色也会跟着变化。还有一点就是...

Sina video loading, please wait... NpicSoft new game "ELOA" in January 20th will be officially open service. "ELOA" is a show gorgeous action fantasy style MMORPG. "ELOA" with an overhead view, the emphasis is gorgeous motion effect, realize the weapons and skills switching "situation conversion system", after the weapon skill and the role will change. Another point is that...

标签: 龙之谷