新关注 > 信息聚合 > 光宇牵手Viaplay 嘉年华免费送豪礼

光宇牵手Viaplay 嘉年华免费送豪礼

Guangyu hand Viaplay Carnival free ho ceremony

2015-01-12 11:05:46来源: 多玩游戏

光宇游戏携手Viaplay,开展“迎羊年 免费抽大奖”光宇嘉年华活动盛大开启!史上最强奖震撼来袭,顶级的外设搭配、炫酷的时尚体验,让你一旦拥有、别无他求,从此走在时尚的前沿! 光宇游戏LOGO图 活动介绍: 光宇游戏回馈老玩家,感谢一路有你相伴,特联手美国Viaplay,开展...

Guangyu game together Viaplay, carry out the "welcome the year of the sheep free choudaijiang" Guangyu Carnival activities open! The history of the strongest shock hits the top prize, the peripheral collocation, cool fashion experience, let you once owned, need, then walks in the fashion forefront! Guangyu game LOGO graph description: Guangyu game feedback old game player, thanks for your company, joined Viaplay to carry out special America...

标签: 嘉年华