新关注 > 信息聚合 > 像素鸟Flappy Bird居然推出街机专版 有多少人会..

像素鸟Flappy Bird居然推出街机专版 有多少人会..

Pixel Flappy Bird actually launched arcade edition bird, how many people will..

2015-01-10 16:05:21来源: 齐齐乐

不知道各位对像素鸟Flappy Bird是不是还有印象,当初有多么火爆,又害多少人砸了手机,相信有些人是深有感触的,如今却有游戏开发商把这款游戏放到的街机上,这么大屏幕玩像素鸟,真替那台街机的安全感到担心。 这台《Flappy Bird》街机的操作那太简单了。操作区正中间一个大大的红色...

you do not know on the pixel bird Flappy Bird Is it right? Have the impression, when how unpopular, and hurt many people hit the mobile phone, believe that some people are deep, but now some game developers to this game in the arcade machines so, big screen playing pixel bird, really safe for the platform arcade feel worried. This "Flappy Bird" arcade operation that is too simple. Operation area is in the middle of a big red...

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