新关注 > 信息聚合 > 身怀绝技的武装少女 《枪火少女》评测

身怀绝技的武装少女 《枪火少女》评测

Stunt armed Maiden "girl" fire evaluation

2015-01-08 15:55:53来源: 4399

说到少女,大家一定不会联想到僵尸吧,不过,下面波比要说的这款游戏,可是将少女与僵尸结合在了一起。《枪火少女》是一款黑暗风格的射击游戏,玩家操控各怀绝技的少女射杀可怕的僵尸,华装异服的少女加上面目狰狞的僵尸,是不是很刺激呢,小伙伴们快来一起了解一下这款游戏吧。 游戏采用的是站立式射击的游...

said girl, you will not associate with zombies., however, below Bobbi to say this game, but the girl and Zombies together. "Fire girl" is a dark style shooting game, shooting game player control each bosom stunt girl gruesome zombie, warpaint costumes girls plus look fierce zombies, Is it right? Very exciting, friends to come together to find out the game. The game uses is the standing shooting tour...