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任天堂:Wii U拥有最好的独占游戏

Nintendo: Wii U has the best exclusives

2015-01-06 11:13:40来源: 新浪

任天堂认为目前的Wii U的拥有最好的独占游戏,这包括白金工作室的“猎天使魔女2”以他们自己的“马里奥赛车8”。对此,Trin的看法是Wii U与微软的Xbox One及索尼的PS4相比,在经典游戏方面相比具有很大的优势。 例如像“任天堂全明星大乱斗”这种游戏,它会有很对相对应的粉丝...

Nintendo believes that the current Wii U has exclusive games best, this includes the platinum studios "Bayonetta 2" on their own "Mario kart 8". In this regard, the views of Trin is compared with Wii U and Xbox One and Microsoft Sony PS4, has great advantages compared with the classical game. Such as "Nintendo stars" in this game, it will have a pair of corresponding fans...

标签: 游戏 任天堂