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详解Xbox One为何在次世代主机大战中全面落败

Detailed Xbox One why in the next generation consoles war round defeat

2015-01-06 09:50:14来源: 逗游网

截止2015年1月1日的权威网站数据显示,Xbox One全球销量为944W台,PS4全球销量为1657W台,在次世代大战的第一个年头,索尼成功以700W台的巨大优势领跑微软高唱凯歌进入新的一年。回想数年前微软在客厅争夺战中是怎样的意气风发不可一世,可惜积累了如此巨大的优势居然在头一年就...

by January 1, 2015 authority website data display, Xbox One global sales for the 944W station, PS4 global sales for the 1657W table, in the first year of the next generation of war, Sony successfully to 700W station huge advantage leading Microsoft singing songs into new a year. Remember a few years ago Microsoft in the living room in the battle is how to be in high and vigorous spirits insufferably arrogant, but the accumulation of such great advantage even in the first year of...

标签: Xbox