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主机网络瘫痪的担忧 数字化和云服务的死穴?

Digital and cloud service host network paralysis worried now?

2015-01-06 04:47:42来源: 南方网

数字化单机游戏以及下载管理功能伴随着网络环境的高度发达而降生,的确给游戏界带来了巨大的改变。而如何为严重依赖服务器稳定性的众多玩家提供更有保障的服务,如今已不仅仅是传统的网络游戏运营商需要考虑的问题。 随着黑客组织Lizard Squad一名成员的落网以及PSN和Xbox Live的...

digital single game and download management function with highly developed network environment was born, indeed to the game industry has brought about tremendous changes. And how to provide more security services in many game player is heavily dependent on the server stability, now is not only the traditional network game operators need to consider. As a member of the hacker group Lizard Squad PSN and Xbox Live were arrested and...