新关注 > 信息聚合 > GT年度评选视频翻译版 2014最令人失望的游戏

GT年度评选视频翻译版 2014最令人失望的游戏

Sina video game

2015-01-05 18:58:46来源: 新浪

视频加载中,请稍候... 视频翻译内容: 业界总会带给我们许多惊喜与出色的游戏,与此同时每年也总有无法避免的失望之作。天花乱坠的广告、期望值、承诺……这都是会影响我们对一款游戏的印象的危险因素。宣传时做的种种承诺是不是没有兑现呢?成名作品的续作是不是光环全无让人失望呢? 这个...

loading GT annual selection of video translation version 2014 of the most disappointing, please wait... Video translation: the industry will bring us a lot of surprise and excellent game, at the same time every year there are always inevitable disappointment. As if it were raining flowers advertising, expectations, commitment...... This is all risk factors will affect our impression of a game. Various commitments propaganda do Is it right? Unfulfilled? Famous works of sequel Is it right? Aura no disappointment? This...

标签: 游戏 视频