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Christmas selection angle "Fairy" online game highlights Sigil exposure of

2014-12-25 13:56:19来源: 07073游戏网

时光荏苒,不知不自觉,大黑游戏已经成立一周年了。为答谢广大新老玩家对大黑游戏游戏的支持,特举办感恩回馈抽奖活动。而在1月6日,大黑新游《仙魔诀》不删档内测之后,大黑游戏官方还将举办的玩家答谢会。遂特在圣诞节发起自荐活动,玩家以邮件的方式发送自荐信到大黑游戏官方邮箱,将有机会参与其中。 ...

time flies, I do not know do not consciously, big black game has set up an anniversary. To thank the vast number of new and old game player support for big black game, held Thanksgiving feedback activities of the draw. In January 6th, after the new "big black fairy Sigil" does not delete the files online, big black game official will also host the game player thanks. And especially in the Christmas activities initiated self recommendation, game player e-mail to send a cover letter to the big black game official mailbox, will have the opportunity to participate. ...