新关注 > 信息聚合 > 魔兽世界阿尔克的古董十字弓怎么获得


World of Warcraft Ark antique crossbow how to obtain

2014-12-25 00:14:56来源: 电玩巴士

问:魔兽世界阿尔克的古董十字弓怎么获得 答: 在塔拉多如下图所示区域(坐标36, 96)那里的沿海就是阿尔克的庄园,可以看到一个德莱尼NPC阿尔克和他的渔夫小屋。 他让你帮助他解决几波兽人士兵的攻击。完成以后,他会把他的宝箱给你。宝箱就在他的小屋的角落里,很显眼。宝箱里的就是...

asked: World of Warcraft Ark antique crossbow how to obtain a: in Tara as shown in the following image region (coordinates 36, 96) where the coast is Ark manor, we can see a Delaney NPC Ark and his fisherman cabin. He asks you to help him solve a few wave orcs attack. After the completion of his chest, he will give you. The treasure box in his house in the corner, very conspicuous. Is in the treasure box...

标签: 魔兽世界