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What kind of experience is playing online games with one mind?

2021-07-15 18:21:00来源: 触乐

《最终幻想14》这类出色的MMORPG都有一些特别之处,比如拥有引人入胜的故事、设计精妙的任务,以及能促使玩家交友的社区。同样,糟糕网游往往也有与众不同的地方,包括玩法沉闷、故障频出、贪婪的课金机制令人生厌等。这些游戏虽然很难获得商业成功,不过有趣的是,在YouTube上,仍然有人在记录它们丰富多彩的历史。 这位主播的名字叫约什·史特莱夫·海耶斯(Josh Strife Hayes)。 海耶斯的频道专注于介绍网游,尤其是那些有史以来最糟糕的网游。从在《凡间Online》(Mortal Online)中打怪升级,到去《领地人生》(Life is Feudal MMO)里管理杂乱无章的物品栏,海耶斯似乎拥有无穷的耐心和精力来游玩他所找到的“最糟糕”游戏。之前他还曾

Great MMORPGs like Final Fantasy 14 have some special features, such as fascinating stories, well-designed tasks, and communities that encourage players to make friends. Similarly, bad online games are often different, including dull playing, frequent failures, and the greedy course payment mechanism. It's hard for these games to be commercially successful, but interestingly, there are still people recording their rich and colorful history on YouTube.

标签: 网游