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PC掌机「Steam Deck」实际上手演示视频公布

Demonstration video of "steam deck" on PC

2021-07-16 09:29:54来源: 游戏时光

Valve 今天公布了全新 PC 掌机设备「Steam Deck」,起价 399 美元,最早今年 12 月发售。外媒 IGN 发布了一段 Steam Deck 的实际上手演示视频,其中介绍了 Steam Deck 的按键设计、功能等,并展示了使用该主机游玩多款游戏、查看游戏商店、浏览网页等内容。视频地址

Valve today announced its new PC handheld device steam deck, which starts at $399 and will be available as early as December this year. IGN, a foreign media, has released a practical demonstration video of steam deck, which introduces the key design and functions of steam deck, and shows how to play a variety of games, view game stores, browse web pages, etc. Video address

标签: Steam 视频 PC