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「Steam掌机」能登录EGS 也能试试连接VR设备

"Steam handheld" can log in to EGS and try to connect VR devices

2021-07-16 11:08:45来源: 游戏时光

外媒 IGN 就新的 PC 掌机设备 Steam Deck 对 Valve 进行了采访,他们在采访中问到了玩家可能会在意的地方,以下是本次采访的重点:3 个不同价位的 Steam Deck 基本上只在存储方面有区别,售价为 649 美元的 512GB 版 Steam Deck 屏幕使用的是一块防眩光玻璃。有内置麦克风用于游戏中与队友进行语音交流,有环境光传感器能根据用户所处的环境自动调节亮度,能使用蓝牙连接其他外设,单主机只能通过 Wi-Fi 进行网络连接。能使用专门的底座连接 USB 设备、以太网以及其他显示设备。输出画面并不会局限于 720P,但提高分辨率的话性能会受到影响。理论上你能用 Steam Deck 来玩 VR 游戏,但 Valve 并没有专门对这方面进行优化,所以使用起来效果应该不会太好。使用的

Foreign media ign interviewed valve about the new PC handheld device steam deck. In the interview, they asked the players what they might care about. The following is the focus of this interview: the three steam decks at different prices are basically only different in terms of storage. The 512gb version of steam deck screen, which is priced at $649, uses an anti glare glass. There is a built-in microphone for voice communication with teammates in the game. There is an ambient light sensor, which can automatically adjust the brightness according to the user's environment. It can use Bluetooth to connect other peripherals. A single host can only connect to the network through Wi Fi. It can connect USB device, Ethernet and other display devices with special base. The output image is not limited to 720p, but the performance will be affected if the resolution is improved. Theoretically, you can use steam deck to play VR games, but valve does not specifically optimize this aspect, so the effect should not be very good. Used

标签: Steam VR