新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为什么越来越多的电竞选手转型去当主播?


Why do more and more E-sports players transform to be anchors?

2021-06-29 15:59:00来源: 触乐

卢卡斯·哈坎森(Lucas Hakansson),或者叫他“Mendo”,他是靠玩游戏来赚钱的,但过得并不如意。为了成为一名职业电竞选手,他付出了巨大牺牲,包括高中辍学后每天花18个小时去练习《守望先锋》。2017年,职业战队休斯顿神枪手邀请哈坎森参加《守望先锋》职业联赛,这让他非常兴奋,因为多年的努力似乎终于收获了回报。但没过多久,这份曾经梦寐以求的工作却令他苦不堪言。 ■ 当电竞选手处于劣势 与传统体育项目的运动员一样,电竞选手必须遵循非常严格的时间表。在休斯顿神枪手队,哈坎森每天上午起床和热身,其它时间都得在一间没有窗户的小房间里练习。“坦白说,那真是一段悲惨的经历。”按照合同里的要求,哈坎森只能在指定时间在Twitch平台做直播,并且他必

Lucas & amp; middot; Lucas hakansson, or & amp; ldquo; Mendo& rdquo;, He made money by playing games, but he didn't get along well. In order to become a professional E-sports player, he made great sacrifices, including spending 18 hours to practice "watch the vanguard" every day after he dropped out of high school. In 2017, the professional team Houston sharpshooters invited him to participate in the professional league of "watch the vanguard", which made him very excited, because years of hard work seems to have finally paid off. But before long, the job he once dreamed of made him miserable.

标签: 主播 电竞