新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第三人称解谜冒险游戏《蛊婆》正式版今日发售


The third person puzzle adventure game "Gupo" is on sale today

2021-07-22 10:28:31来源: 游戏时光

由 Lighton 工作室发行,MAGYU 工作室制作的第三人称解谜冒险游戏《蛊婆》正式版今日在 Steam 平台正式发售。游戏以苗族文化为基石,故事时间线为现代,融合苗族“蛊”传说与相关科技研究,讲述了一个千禧年后发生在御蛊一族内的虚构故事。玩家将在其中扮演少女古久寻,在族内一场仪式中意外进入古墓,用“蛊器”战斗,依据环环相扣的线索解开墓穴内的各类机关,并逐渐了解墓穴主人与“蛊婆”的秘密。本作的正式版在画面、玩法、平衡等方面进行了升级,定价为 68 元,首周将提供 9 折优惠,目前仅上架 Steam 平台。正式版游戏更新内容:完整游戏流程,开放全部地图和谜题新增神秘服饰系统优化美术素材优化音乐素材完善剧情 CG优化怪物 AI

Released by lighton studio and produced by magyu studio, the official version of the third person puzzle and adventure game "Gupo" is on sale today on steam platform. The game is based on the Miao culture, the story time line is modern, and integrates the Miao "Gu" legend and related scientific and technological research. It tells a fictional story that happened in the Yugu clan after the millennium. The player will play Gu jiuxun, a young girl, who will enter the ancient tomb by accident during a ceremony in the clan. He will fight with the "magic weapon", unlock all kinds of organs in the tomb according to the interlocking clues, and gradually understand the secrets between the tomb owner and the "magic woman". The official version of this work has been upgraded in the aspects of picture, playing method and balance. The price is 68 yuan, and 10% discount will be offered in the first week. At present, it is only available on steam platform. Update content of the official version of the game: complete game process, open all maps and puzzles, add mysterious clothing system, optimize art materials, optimize music materials, improve plot CG, optimize monster AI

标签: 游戏