新关注 > 信息聚合 > 运营仅一年 育碧手游《攻坚特勤》将在10月份关停

运营仅一年 育碧手游《攻坚特勤》将在10月份关停

It has been in operation for only one year, and Ubisoft's mobile travel "special service" will be closed in October

2021-07-22 10:31:17来源: 游戏时光

育碧日前发布官方通知,称旗下手游《攻坚特勤》将于 2021 年 10 月 4 日关服。开发团队在公告中表示:(做出停服的)决定并不容易,但与我们的团队讨论多种选择后,我们得出了结论:这款游戏已经不适合继续运营了。《特勤攻坚》曾在 2019 年 E3 发布会上亮相,玩家可指挥《彩虹六号:围攻》《幽灵行动》等作品的经典角色进行战斗。本作于 2020 年 8 月上线,至关停时总运营时间仅有一年多。另一方面,育碧在今年 7 月公布了新作《Tom Clancy’s XDefiant》。该作同样汇集了多款汤姆·克兰西经典 IP,是一款免费多人对战游戏。来源:育碧/Game Industry.Biz

Ubisoft recently issued an official notice, saying that its mobile game "special service" will be closed on October 4, 2021. The development team said in the announcement that it was not easy to make the decision to stop the service, but after discussing various options with our team, we came to the conclusion that the game is no longer suitable for further operation《 "Secret service" appeared at the E3 press conference in 2019, and players can command classic characters of "Rainbow 6: Siege" and "operation ghost" to fight. This work will be launched in August 2020, and the total operation time is only more than one year. On the other hand, Ubisoft released its new work Tom Clancy's xdefiant in July this year. The work also brings together a number of Tom Clancy classic IP, is a free multiplayer game. Source: Ubisoft / game industry.biz

标签: 手游