新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日媒:《审判之逝:湮灭的记忆》将是系列最终作


Japanese media: the death of judgment: the annihilated memory will be the final work of the series

2021-07-12 15:56:14来源: 游戏时光

世嘉新作《审判之逝:湮灭的记忆》将在 9 月 24 日发售,不过据日媒报道,这可能是木村拓哉主演的「审判」系列最后一作了,原因是世嘉和木村所在的杰尼斯事务所在游戏发行平台问题上未能达成一致。日媒「日刊大众」报道称,他们从艺能业内人士处得知,一向严格管控旗下艺人肖像权的杰尼斯事务所,不同意《审判之逝:湮灭的记忆》登陆 PC 平台。杰尼斯方面认为,PC 版游戏跟主机游戏不同,让游戏登陆 PC 相当于「让旗下艺人肖像登陆一个直接连接互联网的平台」,因此对游戏推出 PC 版持否定态度。而世嘉方面则认为,假如不允许游戏推出 PC 版,那么该系列的发展在商业层面会变得非常困难。因此,双方决定将终止这一系列的继续合作。艺能业内人士还对日媒透露,木村拓哉其实非常喜欢游戏,游玩了很长时间的《审判之眼 死神的遗言》,相当喜欢这部作

Sega's new work "the death of the trial: the memory of annihilation" will be on sale on September 24. However, according to Japanese media reports, it may be the last work in the "trial" series starring tomuya Kimura, because SEGA and Kimura's jenis office failed to reach an agreement on the game distribution platform. Japanese media "daily news public" reported that they learned from people in the art industry that Janice, which has always strictly controlled the rights of artists' portraits, did not agree to the landing of "the death of the trial: the memory of annihilation" on the PC platform. Jennis believes that PC games are different from console games. To let the game log on to the PC is equivalent to "letting the portraits of its artists log on to a platform directly connected to the Internet". Therefore, he holds a negative attitude towards the PC version of the game. Sega believes that if the PC version of the game is not allowed, the development of the series will become very difficult at the commercial level. Therefore, the two sides decided to terminate this series of continuing cooperation. People in the art and energy industry also revealed to the Japanese media that tomuya Kimura actually likes games very much. He has played "the last words of death in the eye of judgment" for a long time, and quite likes it