新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小岛秀夫:我也不满意「导演剪辑版」的说法


Shoo Oshima: I'm not satisfied with the "director's editing version" either

2021-07-12 14:44:39来源: 游戏时光

在上周的「State of play」上,索尼公开了《死亡搁浅 导演剪辑版》的详情,宣布本作将于 9 月 24 日发售。在本作的「导演剪辑版」首次公开时,就有一些朋友对「导演剪辑版」的说法不太理解或认可。其实小岛秀夫本人也不喜欢如此称呼本作,他在今日发表推文表示,“或许应该叫「加量版」”。在电影中, 相对于因导演没有权力剪辑或上映时长必须被缩短而勉强上映的版本,「导演剪辑版」是一个追加了剪辑片段的版本。在游戏当中,并不是有什么内容被剪辑掉了,而是把额外新制作的内容加入了进来。Delector's Plus?所以在我看来,我不喜欢把它叫做「导演剪辑版」。

At last week's "state of play", Sony released details of the "dead stranded director's clip" and announced that it would go on sale on September 24. When the "director's Edition" of this work was first published, some of my friends did not understand or agree with the statement of "director's Edition". In fact, Hideo Kojima himself doesn't like to call this work that way. In his tweet today, he said, "maybe it should be called the" plus version. ". In a movie, compared with the version which is reluctantly released because the director has no right to edit or the release time has to be shortened, "director's Edition" is a version with additional clips. In the game, it's not that something has been cut out, but that extra new content has been added. Delector's Plus? So in my opinion, I don't like to call it "director's Edition".