新关注 > 信息聚合 > 玩家们在成长,《穿越火线》也一样


Players are growing, and so is crossing the line of fire

2021-05-16 23:09:11来源: 触乐

在刚刚结束的2021年腾讯游戏年度发布会上,国民竞技游戏《穿越火线》(crossfire)端手游的虚拟代言人“刀锋”给大家带来了关于CF的最新消息。这些消息相当吸引人。比如说,CF端手游分别强化了自身的竞技性;再比如说,覆盖超过250个城市的百城联赛也在全国火热举行。其中最为重要的消息或许是即将在6月全面开放的CFHD(穿越火线高清竞技大区)……不过,这次我想从另外一些方面来阐述这些变化——CF的玩家实在太多了,每个玩家对于CF都有自己的理解和期待。我希望听听他们是怎么说的。 《穿越火线》在2021腾讯游戏年度发布会发布的视频 ■ 1 小朱是一名CF主播,但他对我说的第一句话却是:“现在买个鼠标太难了!”

At the just concluded annual conference of Tencent games in 2021, the virtual spokesperson of national competitive game crossfire mobile game & amp; ldquo; Blade & amp; rdquo; I bring you the latest news about CF. The news is quite attractive. For example, CF end mobile games strengthen their competitiveness respectively; For another example, the 100 cities League, which covers more than 250 cities, is also held across the country. Perhaps the most important news is CFHD, which will open in June; hellip;& amp; hellip; But this time, I want to explain these changes in other ways & amp; mdash;& amp; mdash; There are too many CF players. Each player has his own understanding and expectation of CF. I want to hear what they say.

标签: 玩家 穿越火线