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严重剧透 《生化危机7》剧情回顾视频公布

Video of the plot review of serious spoiler 7 released

2021-04-27 16:25:01来源: 游戏时光

《生化危机 村庄》发售在即,卡普空放出了一部包含完全剧透视频,以伊森的讲述回顾了《生化危机7》本篇的剧情,为新作预热。视频地址《生化危机 村庄》将于 5 月 7 日正式发售,登录 PS5、PS4、Xbox Series、Xbox One、PC。原定于 5 月 2 日至 5 月 3 日开放的试玩 Demo 将延长发布时间至 5 月 10日。

"Biochemical crisis village" is on sale soon. Kapukong has released a video containing a complete spoiler, which reviews the plot of "biochemical crisis 7" with Ethan's narration to warm up the new work. The video address "biochemical crisis village" will be officially on sale on May 7, with ps5, PS4, Xbox series, Xbox one and PC. Demo, originally scheduled to open from May 2 to May 3, will be extended to May 10.

标签: 视频 生化危机