新关注 > 信息聚合 > EA史上最大规模的团队正在开发《战地》新作,手游作品明年上线


The largest team in EA history is developing a new work "battlefield", and the mobile game works will go online next year

2021-04-22 22:32:53来源: 游戏时光

EA 宣布正以“史上最大规模的团队”进行《战地》新作的开发,同时宣布将推出一款登陆移动平台的《战地》游戏。两款作品分别将于 2021 年圣诞和 2022 年推出。目前,DICE、Criterion、DICE LA 和 EA Gothenburg 正在合力开发面向主机和 PC 平台的《战地》新作,力求提升战场规模和战场人数,打造一款更加完善和平衡的游戏。本作计划在 2021 年春季正式公开,并在年末假期发售。同时,DICE 正和 Industrial Toys 一起开发一款登陆移动平台的《战地》游戏,本作目前已经进入测试阶段,计划于 2022 年上线。DICE 的经理 Oskar Gabrielson 表示,这款手游会是一款独立的游戏,由 Industrial Toys 专为移动平台设计。来源:gameinfo

EA announced that it is developing the new work of battlefield with "the largest team in history" and that it will launch a mobile landing game of battlefield. The two works will be launched in Christmas 2021 and 2022 respectively. At present, dice, critrion, dice La and EA Gothenburg are working together to develop a new work "battlefield" for mainframe and PC platforms, striving to improve the scale and number of battlefields and create a more perfect and balanced game. It is planned to be officially released in the spring of 2021 and sold during the holidays at the end of the year. Meanwhile, dice is working with industrial toys to develop a battlefield game landing on the mobile platform. This game has entered the testing stage and is planned to be launched in 2022. Manager of dice

标签: 手游