新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《生化危机 村庄》新宣传片公布 「城堡」试玩明日开启

《生化危机 村庄》新宣传片公布 「城堡」试玩明日开启

The new promotional film of "biochemical crisis village" announced that the trial of "Castle" will open tomorrow

2021-04-24 10:07:19来源: 游戏时光

卡普空放出了《生化危机 村庄》的新宣传片。时长 30 分钟的新试玩「城堡」将于北京时间 4 月 25 日 17:00 至次日 1:00 这 8 个小时期间供 PS5/PS4 玩家下载游玩,其他平台的试玩要等到 5 月 2 日 8:00 开放。视频地址

Kapukong released a new promotional film of "biochemical crisis village". The new 30 minute trial "Castle" will be available for ps5 / PS4 players to download and play from 17:00 on April 25 to 1:00 on the next day, Beijing time. The trial of other platforms will be open until 8:00 on May 2. Video address

标签: 生化危机