新关注 > 信息聚合 > 横尾太郎:《尼尔 机械军团》的成功只是侥幸,不认为《尼尔 人工生命 升级版》…

横尾太郎:《尼尔 机械军团》的成功只是侥幸,不认为《尼尔 人工生命 升级版》…

Yokotaro: the success of Neil's mechanical Legion is just a fluke. I don't think Neil's artificial life upgrade

2021-04-24 11:32:55来源: 游戏时光

《尼尔 人工生命 ver.1.22474487139...》的主机和 PC 版现均已解锁,仅从游戏内容来看,玩家和媒体对它的评价还是不错的。但该系列的监督横尾太郎对这款游戏并不看好,他提醒所有人,《尼尔 人工生命 ver.1.22474487139...》只是 PS3 原版的“升级版”,和《最终幻想7》那个重制力度可差远了。在 Square Enix 官网的一篇博文中他写到:“当我和 Square Enix 会晤时,他们总是散发出一种异样的热情,好像在说:《尼尔 机械军团》表现得不错嘛,所以这个升级版也应该没问题吧。但我想借此机会告诉 Square Enix,认清现实。这两款游戏只是名字有点像,内容完全不同,这次可不见得能卖多好。拜托,《尼尔 机械军团》只是一个侥幸,我其它作品的销量可都不怎么样。如果你们真想把

The host and PC versions of Neil's artificial life ver. 1.22474487139... Have been unlocked. Only from the content of the game, the players and the media have a good evaluation of it. However, the series's supervisor, taro Yoko, is not optimistic about the game. He reminds everyone that "Neil artificial life ver. 1.22474487139..." is only an "upgraded version" of the original PS3, which is far from the remake of "Final Fantasy 7". In a blog post on square Enix's official website, he wrote: "when I met with square Enix, they always exuded a kind of strange enthusiasm, as if they were saying:" the Neal mechanical Legion is doing well, so the upgraded version should be OK. But I want to take this opportunity to tell square Enix to recognize the reality. These two games are just a little similar in name and different in content. It's not likely that they will sell well this time. Come on, "the Neal machine corps" is just a fluke. The sales of my other works are not very good. If you really want to