新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼申请新专利:能模拟玩家习惯、自动玩游戏的AI


Sony applied for a new patent: AI that can simulate player habits and automatically play games

2021-04-24 12:49:05来源: 游戏时光

近日索尼的一项新专利被发现,该专利为可以“模拟玩家行为并自动进行游戏”的 AI。专利信息显示,该 AI 可以详细分析玩家在多种游戏中的游玩习惯、游玩风格和决策过程,并调整生成定制的配置文件,以在玩家没有亲自操作的时候模拟玩家的行为。该 AI 可被用于在单人或多人游戏中,并为玩家提供包括跳过解谜、寻找隐藏要素等辅助。来源:GameInformer

Recently, a new patent of Sony has been discovered, which is an AI that can "simulate player's behavior and play games automatically". Patent information shows that the AI can analyze the players' playing habits, playing styles and decision-making process in a variety of games in detail, and adjust and generate customized configuration files to simulate the players' behavior when the players do not operate in person. The AI can be used in single player or multiplayer games, and provides players with AIDS including skipping puzzle solving, finding hidden elements and so on. Source: GameInformer

标签: 游戏 索尼 玩家 AI