新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2021年第一季度,游戏行业迎来一波“收购热潮”


In the first quarter of 2021, the game industry ushered in a wave of "acquisition boom"

2021-04-24 17:11:12来源: 游戏时光

根据游戏市场情报平台 InvestGame 的数据,2021 年第一季度游戏行业已公开的 280 宗交易,总价值达到 390 亿美元,高于 2020 年全年 664 宗交易的 330 亿美元。今年第一季度仅收购的交易总额为 143 亿美元,较上年同期增长了 5.9 倍。微软斥资 75 亿美元收购贝塞斯达(Bethesda),与此同时,EA 也加快了步伐,以 12 亿美元收购 Codemasters(旗下有《尘埃》系列),以 21 亿美元收购 Glu Mobile(手机游戏开发商,腾讯也有入股)。此外还包括 Embracer 集团以 13 亿美元的价格收购 Gearbox(《无主之地》开发商)。其中一个原因可能是受疫情影响,其他行业处于疲软状态,人们对游戏的热情引起了投资者的注意。从战略投资的部分来看,位列前五的

According to investgame, a game market intelligence platform, in the first quarter of 2021, the total value of 280 open transactions in the game industry reached US $39 billion, higher than the US $33 billion of 664 transactions in 2020. In the first quarter of this year, the total amount of transactions acquired alone was US $14.3 billion, an increase of 5.9 times over the same period last year. Microsoft spent $7.5 billion to acquire Bethesda. At the same time, EA also accelerated its pace, acquiring Codemasters for $1.2 billion (its dust series) and Glu mobile for $2.1 billion (mobile game developer, Tencent also has a stake). It also includes the acquisition of gearbox by embracer group for $1.3 billion. One of the reasons may be that affected by the epidemic, other industries are in a weak state, and people's enthusiasm for the game has attracted the attention of investors. In terms of strategic investment, the top five

标签: 游戏