新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2021年第一季度中国游戏产业报告:收入增加,用户规模下降


Report on China's game industry in the first quarter of 2021: revenue increased and user scale decreased

2021-04-21 18:36:36来源: 游戏时光

中国音数协游戏工委与中国游戏产业研究院,今天共同发布了《2021 年度第一季度中国游戏产业报告》。整体来看游戏厂商在元旦、春节期间开展的一系列活动带动了实际销售收入,用户的消费愿望也有所增强。1.中国游戏市场实际销售收入2021 年第一季度,中国游戏市场实际销售收入 770.35 亿元,环比增长 9%,受到移动游戏实际销售收入增长的拉动,相比 2020 年第一季度增长了 38.32 亿元,同比增长 5.32%。2.中国游戏用户规模中国游戏用户规模进入存量竞争阶段。2021 年 3 月的用户比 2021 年 2 月下降 0. 16%,减少了 100 万人。3.中国自主研发游戏国内市场实际销售收入2021 年第一季度,自主研发游戏国内市场实际销售收入达到 666.67 亿元,相比 2020 年第四季度环比增长 8.

The game Working Committee of China audio and digital Association and China Game Industry Research Institute jointly released the report on China's game industry in the first quarter of 2021 today. On the whole, a series of activities carried out by game manufacturers during the new year's day and Spring Festival have driven the actual sales revenue, and the consumption desire of users has also increased. 1. Actual sales revenue of China's game market in the first quarter of 2021, the actual sales revenue of China's game market was 77.035 billion yuan, an increase of 9% month on month. Driven by the growth of actual sales revenue of mobile games, it increased by 3.832 billion yuan compared with the first quarter of 2020, a year-on-year increase of 5.32%. 2. The scale of Chinese game users the scale of Chinese game users has entered the stage of stock competition. The number of users in March 2021 decreased by 0.16% compared with February 2021, a decrease of 1 million. 3. The actual sales revenue of China's self-developed games in the domestic market reached 66.667 billion yuan in the first quarter of 2021, an increase of 8.8% month on month compared with the fourth quarter of 2020

标签: 游戏