新关注 > 信息聚合 > Xbox云游戏服务beta测试现已在PC和iOS平台开启


The beta test of Xbox cloud game service is now available on PC and IOS platforms

2021-04-20 10:03:44来源: 游戏时光

微软官方博客宣布,全新云游戏服务 Xbox Cloud Gaming 已于今日(4 月 20 日)正式开启 beta 测试,获抽选的 100 名 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 成员将可在 Win 10 和 iOS 设备上打开 Edge、Chrome、Safari 浏览器畅玩 100 多款 XGP 游戏。 本次测试将在 22 个国家和地区开启,玩家只需接入无线或有线手柄就能游玩,其中也有 50 多款游戏支持触屏游玩,本次测试将聚焦于对服务的细节进行细节调整,同时致力于在各设备上提供同等的游玩体验。Xbox Cloud Gaming 将于 2021 年 9 月 15 日正式上线,未来也将支持安卓设备。 来源:Xbox_news

Microsoft's official blog announced that the beta test of the new cloud game service Xbox cloud game has been officially launched today (April 20). The selected 100 Xbox game pass Ultimate members will be able to open edge, chrome and safari browsers on win 10 and IOS devices to play more than 100 XGP games& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; This test will be opened in 22 countries and regions. Players can play only by accessing wireless or wired handles. Among them, more than 50 games support touch-screen play. This test will focus on adjusting the details of the service, and is committed to providing the same play experience on all devices. Xbox cloud gaming will be officially launched on September 15, 2021, and will also support Android devices in the future& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; Source: XBOX_ news

标签: 游戏 Xbox PC iOS