新关注 > 信息聚合 > Oculus Quest 2 现已支持120Hz和无线PC串流

Oculus Quest 2 现已支持120Hz和无线PC串流

Oculus Quest 2 now supports 120Hz and wireless PC streaming

2021-04-20 17:51:01来源: 游戏时光

4 月 19 日 Oculus Quest 2 迎来了 V28.0 版本更新,本次更新最大的亮点就是支持 120Hz 和无线 PCVR 串流。需要注意的是 120Hz 只是一项实验性质的功能,开启后可能会影响 Oculus Quest 2 的电池电量、头显的使用温度和显示效果。这项功能的实际使用效果取决于开发人员对 120Hz 的支持。 目前还没有任何应用程序支持 120Hz,但是用户在将来使用支持 120Hz 的应用程序时,能体验到 120Hz 刷新率带来的崭新体验。Oculus Air Link 允许你通过 Wi-Fi 网络发现 Oculus Quest 2 头显,并将其与支持 Oculus 的 PC 配对,从而实现无线 PCVR 串流。此外本次更新还新增了虚拟办公桌、对 Logitech K830 键盘的

On April 19, oculus Quest 2 ushered in the v28.0 version update. The biggest highlight of this update is to support 120Hz and wireless pcvr streaming. It should be noted that 120Hz is only an experimental function, which may affect the battery power, head display temperature and display effect of oculus Quest 2. The actual use effect of this function depends on the developer's support for 120Hz. At present, no application supports 120Hz, but users can experience the new experience brought by the 120Hz refresh rate when using applications that support 120Hz in the future. Oculus air link allows you to discover oculus Quest 2 head display through Wi Fi network and pair it with oculus enabled PC to realize wireless pcvr streaming. In addition, this update also adds a virtual desk and an update to the Logitech k830 keyboard

标签: PC Oculus