新关注 > 信息聚合 > 经纪公司确认迈克尔·基顿将参演电影《闪电侠》


The agency confirmed that Michael Keaton would participate in the film flash

2021-04-20 17:10:14来源: 游戏时光

关于迈克尔·基顿要在电影《闪电侠》中出演蝙蝠侠的传闻,近日,迈克尔·基顿的经纪公司 ICM Partners 向 TheWrap 证实,基顿确实会出现在影片中。虽然早在去年 6 月份就开始有传闻,但基顿本人在今年 3 月份接受 Deadline 采访时,还是尚不确定的态度。当时他表示一切都得取决于英国的疫情状况。迈克尔·基顿首次在 1989 年的电影《蝙蝠侠》中扮演蝙蝠侠,该片是几部最早的超级英雄电影之一,也是第一部票房大卖的超级英雄电影。据传,由安德斯·穆斯切蒂执导的《闪电侠》中将出现两个版本的蝙蝠侠。剧情将使用“闪点”的故事改编。在闪点的故事中,巴里·艾伦回到过去,去阻止他母亲被谋杀。这个变化带来了各种连锁反应。虽然有基顿和本·阿弗莱克出演蝙蝠侠的消息,但有些奇怪的是没有“海王”杰森·莫玛或“神奇女侠”盖尔

Recently, ICM partners, Michael Keaton's brokerage firm, confirmed to the wrap that Keaton would indeed appear in the film. Although there were rumors as early as last June, Keaton himself was still uncertain when interviewed by deadline in March. At that time, he said that everything had to depend on the epidemic situation in Britain. Michael Keaton first played Batman in the 1989 film Batman, one of the earliest superhero films and the first box office superhero film. It is said that there will be two versions of Batman in lightning directed by Anders muschetti. The plot will be adapted using the story of "flash point". In the flash point story, Barry Allen goes back to the past to prevent his mother from being murdered. This change has brought all kinds of chain reactions. Although there are news of Keaton and Ben Affleck playing Batman, it is strange that there is no "Sea King" Jason MoMA or "Wonder Woman" Gail

标签: 电影