新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《守望先锋》制作总监Jeff Kaplan离职暴雪

《守望先锋》制作总监Jeff Kaplan离职暴雪

Jeff Kaplan, production director of the watchman, left blizzard

2021-04-21 01:58:55来源: 游戏时光

在为暴雪工作 19 年后,《守望先锋》制作总监 Jeff Kaplan 确认从暴雪离职。在离职致辞中,Jeff 感谢了一直以来和他共同分享这次创意之旅的游戏开发者们,在暴雪的同事们,以及所有的玩家。永远不要只满足于世界的表象,要敢于探寻未知的可能。祝大家都能如此。Jeff 的继承者为同样是《守望先锋》初创成员之一的 Aaron Keller,他将接过重担成为游戏的总监。Aaron 表示将很快和大家分享《守望先锋2》的开发进度和将加入的新功能。来源:暴雪

After working for Blizzard for 19 years, Jeff Kaplan, production director of the watch pioneer, confirmed his resignation from Blizzard. In his resignation speech, Jeff thanked the game developers, colleagues in blizzard and all players who have always shared this creative journey with him. Never be satisfied with the appearance of the world, but dare to explore the unknown possibilities. I wish you all this. Jeff's successor is Aaron Keller, who is also one of the founding members of the watch pioneer. He will take over the burden and become the director of the game. Aaron said that he would soon share with you the development progress of "watch pioneer 2" and the new features to be added. Source: Blizzard

标签: 守望先锋 暴雪