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Valve:Steam Deck未来或有多种颜色款式

Valve: steam deck may be available in many colors in the future

2021-08-07 11:01:20来源: 游戏时光

由 Valve 研发的掌上游戏设备「Steam Deck」在今年 7 月公布,现有机型只有黑色款。但根据外媒 PC Gamer 的访谈报道,Steam Deck 有可能在未来推出更多颜色款式。假想图来自 Valve 的产品设计师 Tucker Spofford 和 Greg Coomer 提到,研发团队花了很长时间考虑 Steam Deck 的机身配色,并且现在仍在讨论其它可能性。如果 Steam Deck 获得商业成功,官方就更加有机会推出其它颜色的机型。另一方面,虽然目前 Steam Deck 机身均为黑色,但设计师指出统一的规格能保障生产与供应顺利,多种颜色的机身则会增加配件型号,管理起来也更加复杂。截至 2021 年 8 月,Steam Deck 预售量已超过 10 万台,下轮预购将于 2022 第

The handheld game device "steam deck" developed by valve was announced in July this year. The existing models are only black. However, according to the interview report of foreign media PC gamer, steam deck may launch more color styles in the future. The hypothetical diagram is from Tucker Spofford, product designer of valve, and

标签: Steam