新关注 > 信息聚合 > 社交、直播、Metaverse……语音会给未来的游戏带来什么变化?


Social networking, live broadcasting, metaverse... What changes will voice bring to future games?

2021-08-06 17:19:18来源: 触乐

如今,语音已经成为游戏中十分常见的元素。根据腾讯云与伽马数据联合发布的《2020游戏产业趋势报告》统计,超过90%的游戏用户倾向于在游戏中与其他玩家互动,81.9%的游戏用户倾向于与其他玩家多人组队合作或多人对抗。不论是小队战斗、团队副本,还是公会、家族,社交仍是游戏最具代表性的要素之一,而用户社交的主要方式是语音。90.6%的玩家会通过游戏内置语音功能与其他玩家沟通,73.7%的玩家在游戏没有内置语音功能的情况下,会使用其他语音软件。 这样一种常见要素会怎样与游戏共同发展,会给游戏带来哪些新的变化?7月30日,声网Agora社交泛娱乐产品负责人王奇在由快出海举办的第三届GGCC全球游戏对接会上,分享了“实时互动如何赋能游戏出海与场景创新”的主题。 声网Agora社交泛娱乐产品负责人王

Nowadays, voice has become a very common element in games. According to the statistics of the 2020 game industry trend report jointly released by Tencent cloud and Gamma data, more than 90% of game users tend to interact with other players in the game, and 81.9% of game users tend to form teams or confrontation with other players. Social networking is still one of the most representative elements of the game, whether it is team battle, team copy, guild or family, and the main way for users to socialize is voice. 90.6% of players will communicate with other players through the built-in voice function of the game, and 73.7% of players will use other voice software without the built-in voice function of the game.

标签: 游戏 社交 直播