新关注 > 信息聚合 > Crunchyroll将免费赠送三个月PC版XGP会员


Crunchyroll will give free three-month PC XGP members

2021-08-07 15:24:19来源: 游戏时光

美国付费动画视频网站 Crunchyroll 宣布,将为新老会员免费赠送三个月的 PC 版 Xbox Game Pass 。已经是 Premium 会员的用户只要登陆账号即可领取,新用户只要注册 Crunchyroll 账号并免费领取 14 天 Premium 试用会员后即可获得,感兴趣的朋友可以点击这里参与活动。 本次活动持续至 10 月 31 日,每人限得一个激活码。但需要注意的是,该激活码仅限 Xbox Game Pass 新用户使用,已经订阅过 Xbox Game Pass 的账号无法使用,同时激活码必须在 11 月 30 日前使用。来源:Gamespot

US paid animation video website crunchyroll announced that it would give new and old members three months of PC Xbox game pass free of charge. Users who are already premium members can get it as long as they log in to their account. New users can get it as long as they register their crunchyroll account and receive a 14 day premium trial member for free. Interested friends can click here to participate in the activity& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; This activity lasts until October 31, and each person is limited to one activation code. However, it should be noted that the activation code is only available to new Xbox game pass users. Accounts that have subscribed to Xbox game pass cannot be used. At the same time, the activation code must be used before November 30. Source: gamespot

标签: PC