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《银河战士 生存恐惧》最新预告视频公布

The latest preview video of "Galactic warrior survival fear" was released

2021-08-06 16:38:41来源: 游戏时光

任天堂旗下经典 2D 平台动作系列《银河战士》已于今日(2021 年 8 月 6 日)迎来了 35 周年纪念,为庆祝这个特殊的日子官方公布了系列新作《银河战士 生存恐惧》最新剧情预告视频。 视频地址新公开的这则预告标题为“恐怖的片鳞”,围绕着贯穿整个系列的神秘鸟人族透露了多个剧情片段,其中更是有着萨姆斯遇到存活的鸟人族的场景,而视频最后得知鸟人族被掩埋的历史时,萨姆斯似乎表现出了愤怒(或恐惧)的心情,似乎将正式回收系列前几作通关奖励图片中埋下的伏笔。《银河战士 生存恐惧》即将于 10 月 8 日登录 Switch 平台,支持简体中文,本作为系列正统第5作,时间线将直接延续“融合”事件,并将对“密特罗德”这一外星生命体的故事划下句点。目前《银河战士》系列初代和系列第三作《超级银河战士》正在

Nintendo's classic 2D platform action series "Galaxy warrior" has celebrated its 35th anniversary today (August 6, 2021). To celebrate this special day, the official released the latest plot preview video of the new series "Galaxy warrior survival fear"& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; The newly released preview of the video address is entitled "terrible scales", which reveals a number of plot clips around the mysterious Birdman throughout the whole series, including the scene of SAMs meeting the surviving Birdman. When the video finally learned the history of the burying of the Birdman, SAMs seemed to show anger (or fear), It seems that the first few of the official recycling series will be the foreshadowing buried in the customs clearance reward pictures《 Galactic warrior's fear of survival will log on to the switch platform on October 8 and support simplified Chinese. This is the fifth orthodox work of the series. The timeline will directly continue the "integration" event and end the story of "mitterod", an alien life. At present, the first generation of the galaxy Warrior series and the third series of super Galaxy warrior are under development

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