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《索尼克 缤纷色彩 究极版》新预告公开:「威斯」能力介绍

The new preview of sonic colorful research edition is open: "Wes" ability introduction

2021-08-06 11:03:02来源: 游戏时光

索尼克官方频道在今日( 8 月 6 日)公布了《索尼克 缤纷色彩 究极版》全新宣传片。影片介绍了游戏中的「威斯」生物及其能力。视频地址本作中,索尼克可与各种「威斯」生物合体并触发特殊技能,具体内容如下:白色威斯:索尼克获得加速冲刺能力并能消灭沿途的障碍物与敌人;青色威斯:索尼克化为“青色激光”形态,以闪电般的速度穿越不同场景;碧绿威斯:索尼克变身为“碧绿鬼魂”并能漂浮于空中;粉红威斯:索尼克变身为“粉红针球”形态,能够在墙壁上移动;绿色威斯:为索尼克提供悬浮状态且能飞向更高的场景;橙色威斯:让索尼克变身为“飞天火箭”形态;蔚蓝威斯: 让索尼克变身为“蔚蓝立方”,可以震击敌人并改变蔚蓝道具;黄色威斯:索尼克获得“钻头”能力,可发掘藏于地下或海底的奖励;紫色威斯:索尼克变身为拥有狂暴力量的“紫色狂暴”形态,快速消灭

Today (August 6), the official channel of sonic released a new promotional film of "sonic colorful research edition". The film introduces the "Wes" creature in the game and its abilities. In the video address book, sonik can combine with various "Wes" creatures and trigger special skills. The specific contents are as follows: white Wes: sonik can gain the ability to accelerate sprint and eliminate obstacles and enemies along the way; Cyan Weiss: sonik is transformed into a "cyan laser" shape, crossing different scenes at a lightning speed; Green Wes: Sonic becomes a "green ghost" and can float in the air; Pink Weiss: sonik is transformed into a "pink needle ball" shape and can move on the wall; Green Wes: provide sonic with a suspended state and can fly to a higher scene; Orange Wes: turn sonic into a "flying rocket" form; Blue Weiss: turn sonic into a "blue cube", which can shock the enemy and change the blue props; Yellow Wes: Sonic gets the "drill" ability and can discover the reward of hiding underground or under the sea; Purple Wes: Sonic is transformed into a "Purple rage" form with rage power, which can be quickly eliminated

标签: 索尼 索尼克