新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《艾尔登法环》Steam页面现已上线 2022年1月发售

《艾尔登法环》Steam页面现已上线 2022年1月发售

The steam page of Eldon law ring is now online and will be available in January 2022

2021-08-06 09:53:22来源: 游戏时光

由宫崎英高与乔治·R·R·马丁合作研发的《艾尔登法环》现已上线 Steam 页面。(网址链接请点这里)本作 Steam 版发售日期为 2022 年 1 月 21 日,支持简体中文。玩家可尽情探索状况多变的开放场景与复杂立体的巨大迷宫,同时还能自定义主角的外表,自由搭配武器、装备与魔法。游戏截图:来源:Steam

The Eldon law ring, developed by Miyazaki YingGAO in cooperation with George r r Martin, is now on the steam page( The steam version is available on January 21, 2022 and supports simplified Chinese. Players can enjoy exploring the changeable open scenes and complex three-dimensional huge mazes. At the same time, they can customize the appearance of the protagonist and freely match weapons, equipment and magic. Game screenshot: Source: steam

标签: Steam