新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新版《心慌方》电影预告公开:立方体迷宫下的惊险逃生


The movie preview of the new version of "panic square" is open: thrilling escape under the cube maze

2021-08-02 15:26:58来源: 游戏时光

新版科幻惊悚电影《心慌方》(又名《异次元杀阵》)确认于 2021 年 10 月 22 日正式上映,官方在今日放出了全新电影预告。视频地址本片改编自 1997 年的经典同名电影。六名主人公醒来后发现自己与他人被困在一座复杂神秘的立方体迷宫,迷宫之中遍布谜题与杀人机关。在逃生的过程中,六人也将上演信赖与背叛的故事。本片由清水康彦担任导演,德尾浩司任编剧。六位主演分别是菅田将晖、冈田将生、斋藤工、杏、吉田健太郎以及田代辉。来源:松竹株式会社

The new sci-fi thriller "panic square" (also known as "different dimensional killing array") is confirmed to be officially released on October 22, 2021. The official released a new film preview today. This film is adapted from the classic film of the same name in 1997. The six protagonists wake up and find themselves and others trapped in a complex and mysterious cube maze full of puzzles and killing mechanisms. In the process of escape, the six will also stage a story of trust and betrayal. The film is directed by Yasuhiko Qingshui and written by Takashi Tokio. The six leading actors are Jianghui Kanda, Jiangsheng Okada, Saito, apricot, Kentaro Yoshida and Daihui Tian. Source: Matsushita Co., Ltd

标签: 电影