新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏角色人气总选举2021 女子海选DAY4投票

游戏角色人气总选举2021 女子海选DAY4投票

Game character popularity general election 2021 women's audition day4 voting

2021-08-26 18:00:04来源: 游戏时光

最后一场海选在今天正式开始,本次总选举女子组中共有 100 名角色参与海选,今天依旧有 25 名人气角色等待玩家投票,前 9 名会直接晋级 40 强。顺便一提,昨天开始的女子组 DAY3 投票目前仍在进行中,还没投票的朋友可以点击这个链接前往:女子海选 DAY3 投票投票规则■ 在 8 月 23 日 18 点之前注册的游戏时光用户,均可在每组投票中选择最多 9 名角色■ 本场投票时间为 8 月 26 日 18:00 ~ 8 月 27 日 23:59※ 关于本次赛事的赛制、角色参选标准、完整入围名单,请点击此处查看。※ 如遇 9、10 名平票,将在战报中进行一轮加赛;如遇 10、11 名平票,则二者同时获得复活赛资格。※ 同时进行的还有男子海选 DAY4 投票,请点击此处前往。海选投票 DAY 4这 25 名角色

The last audition officially began today. A total of 100 characters in the women's group participated in the audition. Today, there are still 25 popular characters waiting for players to vote, and the top 9 will be directly promoted to the top 40. By the way, the women's group day3 voting started yesterday is still in progress. Friends who have not yet voted can click this link to go to: Women's audition day3 voting rules ■ game time users registered before 18:00 on August 23, You can choose up to 9 roles in each group ■ the voting time is from 18:00 on August 26 to 23:59 on August 27 ※ for the competition system, role participation criteria and complete shortlist of this event, please click here to view. ※ In case of 9 or 10 tie votes, an extra round will be held in the battle report; In case of 10 and 11 equal votes, they will be eligible for the resurrection competition at the same time. ※ At the same time, there are men's audition day4 voting. Please click here to go. Audition voting day 4 25 roles

标签: 游戏