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《暗黑破坏神2 狱火重生》「法师」职业介绍视频公开

Diablo 2 prison fire rebirth "mage" career introduction video public

2021-09-01 16:57:38来源: 游戏时光

《暗黑破坏神2 狱火重生》「法师」(Sorceress)职业介绍视频在今日(9 月 1 日)由游戏官方公开。视频地址法师亦被人们称作“女巫”。她们追求最为完美纯粹的魔法,并认为肉搏是庸俗的。虽然法师在近身战斗中有很大不足,但她同时拥有进攻和防御的魔法力量,这让她的表现和其他战士一样出色。《暗黑破坏神2 狱火重生》将于 2021 年 9 月 23 日登陆 PC / Xbox Series X|S / Xbox One / PS5 / PS4 / Switch 平台,支持中文。来源:Diablo

The professional introduction video of "Diablo 2 prison fire rebirth" and "sorceress" was officially released by the game today (September 1). Video address mages are also known as "Witches". They pursue the most perfect and pure magic and believe that hand to hand combat is vulgar. Although the mage has great shortcomings in close combat, she has both offensive and defensive magic power, which makes her performance as excellent as other soldiers《 Diablo 2 prison fire rebirth will be launched on PC / Xbox series x|s / Xbox one / ps5 / PS4 / switch platform on September 23, 2021, supporting Chinese. Source: Diablo

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