新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《死亡循环》PS5手柄特性宣传片公布


Death cycle ps5 handle feature Promo released

2021-08-31 23:52:29来源: 游戏时光

开发商 Arkane Lyon放出了第一人称射击冒险游戏《死亡循环》的 PS5 特性宣传片,介绍了本作中的手柄扬声器、自适应扳机、触觉反馈等表现,游戏中还会出现子弹卡壳的效果。本作现已送厂压盘,将于 9 月 14 日正式发售,登陆 PS5 和 PC 平台,主机平台版本由 PS5 独占一年。玩家在游戏中要扮演一名刺客,运用各种特殊能力,在同一天内杀死 8 名目标,打破时间循环。 视频地址

The developer arkane Lyon released the ps5 feature Promo of the first person shooting adventure game "death cycle", which introduced the performance of the handle speaker, adaptive trigger and tactile feedback in this work. There will also be the effect of bullet jam in the game. This work has been delivered to the factory and will be officially sold on September 14, landing on ps5 and PC platform. The host platform version is monopolized by ps5 for one year. Players should play an assassin in the game and use various special abilities to kill 8 targets in the same day, breaking the cycle of time.

标签: PS