新关注 > 信息聚合 > 须田刚一:未来十年将出3款新IP 还想做漫威题材游戏

须田刚一:未来十年将出3款新IP 还想做漫威题材游戏

Suda Gangyi: three new IPS will be produced in the next ten years. He also wants to play Marvel theme games

2021-08-31 10:21:55来源: 游戏时光

《英雄不再》系列监督须田刚一近日接受媒体采访,谈到了《英雄不再》系列完结后的下一步打算。他表示计划在 10 年推出 3 款新的原创 IP 作品,同时还想制作漫威题材的游戏。我正在考虑 10 年内制作 3 款原创 IP ,首先这是一个 10 年的规划,而且我已经决定好 5 个企划了,会一部一部地创作好这些新的 IP。 须田刚一还谈到自己很喜欢漫威角色“快银”和“碎星”,期待能够制作一款漫威题材的作品。不过在创作的过程中,我也有点想制作基于漫威作品的东西,比如碎星或者死侍,后者是不是更幽默一点?可能碎星会更好。以我最喜欢的快银或者碎星为主角,大家感觉怎么样,有趣吗?(笑)或者毒液我觉得也不错,真想有朝一日能做一款漫威题材的东西。 尽管须

Xu Tiangang, the supervisor of "Heroes no longer" series, recently interviewed the media and talked about the next step after the completion of "Heroes no longer" series. He said he planned to launch three new original IP works in 10 years, and also wanted to make Marvel themed games. I am considering making three original IPS within 10 years. First, this is a 10-year plan, and I have decided to make five plans and will create these new IPS one by one& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Xutian also said that he liked Marvel's characters "fast silver" and "broken star" and looked forward to making a marvel theme work. However, in the process of creation, I also want to make something based on Marvel's works, such as broken stars or death attendants. Is the latter more humorous? Maybe broken stars would be better. With my favorite fast silver or broken star as the protagonist, how do you feel? Is it interesting( Or venom, I think it's good. I really want to make a marvel theme one day& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Although must

标签: 游戏