新关注 > 信息聚合 > 人气总选举娱乐赛:我想玩你们做的游戏(日本篇)


Popular general election Entertainment: I want to play your game (Japan)

2021-09-04 18:37:26来源: 游戏时光

伴随着小组赛最后一组在今天凌晨结束比赛,本届总选举的 16 强角色正式出炉,1 对 1 直接交锋的淘汰赛在下周就要开始了!所以这周末是一场娱乐赛,在常规赛事以外给总选举带来一些不一样的感受。本场表演赛的主角,是深受我们喜爱的游戏们的——创作者们(日本篇)!这些开发者倾尽自己的才情,和团队共同创作出了一部部让我们沉浸,甚至影响我们人生的游戏。而这些游戏也间接反映出了他们对游戏的热爱,对生活的思考......感谢他们的付出,感谢游戏为我们带来的欢乐。那么你最喜欢哪几位游戏制作人呢?当然本文展示的游戏开发者及其代表作肯定不够全面。 如果没有在投票中出现,欢迎在评论区分享你最喜欢的游戏制作人。*投票最多选 10 项。尽管是表演赛,在本文参与投票或评论,你就有机会赢取 VGtime 主题鼠标垫(小)一个。图片中右边的鼠

With the end of the last group match in the early morning of this morning, the top 16 roles in this general election are officially released. The knockout match of 1-on-1 direct confrontation will begin next week! So this weekend is an entertainment game, which brings some different feelings to the general election outside the regular events. The protagonist of this performance game is the creators of our favorite games (Japan)! These developers have devoted their talents and worked with the team to create games that immerse us and even affect our lives. These games also indirectly reflect their love for games and thinking about life... Thank them for their efforts and the joy they bring to us. So which game producers do you like best? Of course, the game developers and their representative works shown in this article are certainly not comprehensive enough.

标签: 游戏