新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电商平台曝光《心灵杀手 重制版》 10月5日发售

电商平台曝光《心灵杀手 重制版》 10月5日发售

The e-commerce platform exposed that the remake of the soul killer went on sale on October 5

2021-09-05 10:56:02来源: 游戏时光

《心灵杀手》是由 Remedy 开发的一款惊悚恐怖风格动作游戏,随着《控制》DLC「AWE」的发售和官方承认存在「Remedy 宇宙」 ,有人猜测《心灵杀手》系列可能会重回玩家视野。有网友发现中国台湾地区的一家电商平台上架了《心灵杀手 重制版》,商品页面不仅有游戏各版本的封面,还显示游戏将于 10 月 5 日发售,登陆 XSX|S、PS4 以及 PS5 平台。目前商品页面还没撤下,感兴趣的朋友可以自己上去看一看:【PS4版】【PS5版】【XSX|S版】此前外媒 GamesBeat 记者杰夫 · 格拉布(Jeff Grubb)曾爆料 Remedy 将与 Epic 将联合出品《心灵杀手2》,估计未来我们能看到《心灵杀手》这个系列的更多消息。来源:windowscentral

"Mind killer" is a horror style action game developed by remedy. With the release of "control" DLC "awe" and the official recognition of the existence of "remedy universe", some people speculate that the "mind killer" series may return to the player's vision. Some netizens found that the remake of soul killer was put on an e-commerce platform in Taiwan, China. The product page not only has the covers of various versions of the game, but also shows that the game will be sold on October 5, landing on xsx|s, PS4 and ps5 platforms. At present, the product page has not been removed. Interested friends can go up and have a look: [PS4 version], [ps5 version], [xsx|s version] previously, foreign media gamesbeat reporter Jeff Grubb disclosed that remedy and epic will jointly produce "soul Killer 2". It is estimated that we can see more information about the series of "soul killer" in the future. Source: Windows Central

标签: 电商