新关注 > 信息聚合 > EA注册新商标,可能是其新工作室的名字


EA registers a new trademark, possibly the name of its new studio

2021-09-07 10:24:11来源: 游戏时光

今年 5 月,EA 宣布在西雅图成立一间新工作室,专注于开发开放世界动作冒险游戏。而根据 EA 近期申请的商标显示,新工作室的名称可能叫“Neon Black Studios”。 据外媒报道,EA 上个月向美国专利商标局和欧盟知识产权局申请了新商标——“Neon Black Studios”,商标分类涵盖“互动设计与开发、计算机、视频和电子游戏软件的设计和开发”。考虑到此前 EA 宣布成立新工作室,该商标可能与此有关。 新工作室由 Monolith Productions 前副总裁兼工作室负责人 Kevin Stephens 领衔,他曾参与《中土世界 暗影魔多》和《中土世界 战争之影》的开发

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; In May this year, EA announced the establishment of a new studio in Seattle to focus on developing open world action adventure games. According to the trademark recently applied by EA, the name of the new studio may be "Neon Black studios"& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; According to foreign media reports, EA applied to the US patent and Trademark Office and the EU Intellectual Property Office for a new trademark - "Neon Black studios" last month. The trademark classification covers "interactive design and development, computer, video and video game software design and development". Considering that EA announced the establishment of a new studio, the trademark may be related to this& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; The new studio is led by Kevin Stephens, former vice president of monolith productions and head of the studio. He has participated in the development of shadow Mordor in the Middle Earth world and the shadow of war in the Middle Earth world