新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《暗影火炬城》PS4和PS5实体中文版现已推出


The PS4 and ps5 physical Chinese versions of shadow torch city have been launched

2021-09-07 15:43:16来源: 游戏时光

由国人团队钛核网络科技开发的柴油朋克风格“类银河战士恶魔城”游戏《暗影火炬城》(F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch)已于今日(9 月 7 日)在 Steam 平台上线,香港发行商 GSE 同样为我们带来了 PS4/PS5 平台的亚洲实体版游戏,游戏支持简繁中文、英文、日文,售价 248 港元。 视频地址正如游戏标题中的“城”字所示,游戏向经典的“Metroidvania”(类银河战士恶魔城)游戏类型致敬,为玩家带来一个庞大且多元、复杂又四通八达的“火炬城”。这里原本是一个由动物们自治的城市,但机械军团入侵并统治了这里,在柴油朋克背景下道路宛如迷宫般崛起。本作的玩法核心为非线性探索,通过主线流程串起一张不同城区相互连通的大地图,玩家可以不断获得全新能力,从而打

F.i.s.t.: forged in shadow torch, a diesel punk style "Galaxy like warrior demon city" game developed by the Chinese team titanium core network technology, was launched on the steam platform today (September 7). The Hong Kong publisher GSE also brought us Asian physical games on the PS4 / ps5 platform. The game supports simple and complex Chinese, English and Japanese, The price is HK $248& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; The video address is just like the word "city" in the title of the game. The game pays tribute to the classic "metrodivania" (like galaxy warrior demon city) game type, bringing players a huge, diverse, complex and accessible "torch city". It was originally a city ruled by animals, but the mechanical Legion invaded and ruled it. Under the background of diesel punk, the road rose like a maze. The core of the play method of this work is nonlinear exploration. Through the main line process, a large map connecting different urban areas can be connected, and players can continuously obtain new abilities to play

标签: PS PS4