新关注 > 信息聚合 > 直播通知:今晚22点,破晓传说!


Live announcement: at 22 o'clock tonight, dawn legend!

2021-09-08 21:07:51来源: 游戏时光

今晚紧急加班,首发直播一下期待已久的《破晓传说》。B 站房间号 906760。已预购本作的朋友,建议等到游戏明天解禁自己上手尝试,但如果你对购买本作还在犹豫,或者对本作有一些疑问,欢迎来直播间询问啦:》》直播间地址《《希望别翻车。

Urgent overtime tonight, the first live broadcast of the long-awaited legend of Breaking Dawn. Room number of station B is 906760. Friends who have pre purchased this work suggest waiting until the ban on the game is lifted tomorrow to try it by themselves. However, if you are still hesitant to buy this work or have some questions about this work, welcome to the live broadcasting room for inquiry: the address of the live broadcasting room is hope not to overturn.

标签: 直播