新关注 > 信息聚合 > PS5日本国内累计销量突破100万台


The cumulative sales volume of ps5 in Japan exceeded 1 million units

2021-09-09 13:40:02来源: 游戏时光

据日本游戏媒体 Fami 通报道,截至 2021 年 9 月 5 日,PS5 系列主机在日本国内累计销量预计达 101 万 2656 台,其中 PS5 主机销量 84 万 7421 台,PS5 数字版主机 16 万 5235 台。 软件方面,截至 2021 年 8 月 29 日,日本 PS5 实体版游戏累计销量最高的是《生化危机 村庄》,共计 6 万 7000 份,该作于 2021 年 5 月 8 日发售。 据了解,PS5 自发售以来一直采用抽签销售的方式,让不少玩家入手困难。Fami 通推测,随着未来《最终幻想16》等人气大作发售,PS5 供应量和销量的走向值得期待。来源:Fami通

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; According to Japanese game media fami Tong, as of September 5, 2021, the cumulative sales of ps5 series hosts in Japan is expected to reach 1012656, including 847421 ps5 hosts and 165235 ps5 digital hosts& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; In terms of software, as of August 29, 2021, the cumulative sales volume of ps5 physical games in Japan was the biochemical crisis village, with a total of 67000 copies, which was sold on May 8, 2021& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; It is understood that the ps5 has been sold by lot since its launch, making it difficult for many players to start. Fami Tong speculates that with the release of popular works such as final fantasy 16 in the future, the trend of ps5 supply and sales is worth looking forward to. Source: fami Tong

标签: PS