新关注 > 信息聚合 > SIE高管:Firesprite的下一款作品不一定是VR游戏


Sie executive: firesprite's next work is not necessarily VR games

2021-09-09 18:29:40来源: 游戏时光

SIE 日前宣布收购游戏开发商 Firesprite,这家位于英国利物浦的工作室被正式纳入索尼 PlayStation 第一方团队。近期 PlayStation 工作室负责人 Hermen Hulst 与 Firesprite 主管 Graeme Ankers 共同接受了外媒采访,透露了双方合作的一些细节。Hulst 在采访中表示,Firesprite 加入 SIE 后的工作并不是支持其它工作室,而是由其自己领导数个游戏项目的开发。Ankers 则提到 Firesprite 会提供“一些真正独特的体验”,但两人目前无法透露更多信息。考虑到 Firesprite 曾参与过《虚拟现实游戏空间》《The Persistence》等 VR 游戏的开发,因此这家工作室有能力进行新一代 PSVR 游戏的研发工作。不过 Hu

Sie recently announced the acquisition of firesprite, a game developer. The studio in Liverpool, UK, was officially incorporated into the first-party team of Sony PlayStation. Recently, hermen hulst, head of Playstation studio, and Graeme Ankers, director of firesprite, jointly accepted an interview with foreign media and revealed some details of the cooperation between the two sides. Hulst said in an interview that firesprite's work after joining Sie is not to support other studios, but to lead the development of several game projects by itself. Ankers mentioned that firesprite will provide "some really unique experiences", but the two can't disclose more information at present. Considering that firesprite has participated in the development of VR games such as virtual reality game space and the persistence, this studio is capable of developing a new generation of PSVR games. But Hu

标签: 游戏 VR