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《神秘海域 失落遗产合集》2022年初登录PS5和PC

The collection of lost heritage in the mysterious sea area was logged on ps5 and PC in early 2022

2021-09-10 05:12:26来源: 游戏时光

索尼于今日(9 月 10 日)凌晨发布会上宣布,由顽皮狗工作室开发的 PS4 游戏《神秘海域4:盗贼末路》和《神秘海域 失落遗产》将推出重制版合集,计划将于 2022 年初登陆 PS5 和 PC 平台。 视频地址

Sony announced at the press conference in the early morning of today (September 10) that the PS4 Games "mysterious sea 4: the end of Thieves" and "lost heritage of mysterious sea" developed by Naughty Dog Studio will launch a remake collection, which is planned to be released in 2022 & amp; nbsp; Log in ps5 and PC platform at the beginning of the year& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; Video address

标签: PS PC